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How to eat & train for endomorph body type.
How to eat & train for endomorph body type.
Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Vergara and Marilyn Monroe are some of the most famous female endomorphs. They all could be described as curvaceous, small-waisted, full-figuredand pear-shaped. Endomorphs generally have a smooth, round body, medium-large bone structure, small shoulders and shorter limbs. They usually carry their weight in the lower abdomen, hips, and thighs rather than evenly distributed throughout the body. This pattern of fat distribution makes it a bit harder to lose weight, but with the correct training and nutrition program, they can achieve positive results.–Tiffani Bachus, R.D.N., and Erin Macdonald, R.D.N. ACE Fitness
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How to eat & train for mesomorph body type.
How to eat & train for mesomorph body type.
Characterized as naturally muscular with a moderate frame, mesomorphs have medium-sized bone structures. They are well-proportioned with wider shoulders and a narrow waist, and typically have low body-fat levels. Of the three body types, mesomorphs are the best for bodybuilding as they are naturally strong and can lose or gain weight easily. –Tiffani Bachus, R.D.N., and Erin Macdonald, R.D.N. ACE Fitness
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How to eat & train for ectomorph body type.
How to eat & train for ectomorph body type.
Models who grace the covers and pages of most fashion magazine tend to have an ectomorph body type. In addition to being tall, they have a thin build, long limbs, small joints and thin bones. Many are flat chested and don’t have much junk in the trunk. Although they appear skinny, they can actually have higher body fat than one might expect. Ectomorphs have a difficult time putting on muscle mass because their metabolism has a tendency to run higher than other body types. In the fitness world, we would refer to them as “hard gainers.” Famous female ectomorphs include Kate Moss, Natalie Portman, Taylor Swift, Kate Middleton and Cameron Diaz. Famous male ectomorphs include Matthew McConaughey, Bradley Cooper and Toby McGuire.–Tiffani Bachus, R.D.N., and Erin Macdonald, R.D.N. ACE Fitness
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